Saturday 1 March 2014

Social Reading: Things #7 - 10

The social aspects of BiblioCommons can be extremely useful for sharing personal reading selections and opinions. Even if you don't like to share your reading experiences with others you can lock down your account's privacy settings and use it as a personal tracking tool.

Libraries that use Facebook and Twitter can easily integrate new book lists on the library catalogue for easy sharing. Perhaps an underutilized method for pushing new books and themed displays out to patrons.

Easy of use makes this very accessible...remembering to do it is another challenge. This is a habit I need to improve!

Monday 27 January 2014

Twitter: Finding value

We can be friends but I may not follow you on Twitter. My Twitter feed is my live, custom news channel. It is jammed with the news that I want and the topics I'm interested in. If you want ME to follow YOU on Twitter, I need to see your value.

Winning at Twitter is all about increasing the signal to noise ratio (S/R). I want rich sources of information in my feed. That may mean a well informed Twitter user that follows and retweets relevant stuff, or sources for original news. If somebody is tweeting tons of low value information it only adds to my noise. Get it out of my feed. I want more signal, less noise.

Related, I love the format of Twitter, in that a link with more details can be shared. That way I can scan the headlines in my Twitter feed and follow links to get the extra details of a particularly juicy scoop.

Twitter is easily my favourite social network. I access my local hockey and running communities there. I connect with my 'brary colleagues - both local and far away. I get first pass at news stories...the stuff that the non Twitter users will hear on the radio tomorrow morning or read in the newspaper two days from now.
Up to the minute sports. Live music acts that will roll through town. Weekly specials at my grocery store. I also use it socially to connect and discuss things with friends.

For my purposes information is Twitter's true value. If your feed isn't providing the goods, where's your value?

Thursday 16 January 2014

Labels: What's your function?

Based on the headline I bet you thought I was going to link to the Conjunction Junction music video. Too obvious.

Appropriate blog labels are like an efficient railroad company.

Norfolk Southern Railroad: "Hookin' up the country, helping business run."

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Lame by default

Thing #1 and Thing #2 done, althought looking a tad boring...perhaps even lame. Customization to follow but I just needed to get my horse in the race. Time to explore.